IEC 60151-4:1963 pdf download 电子管和阀门电气特性的测量 - 第4部分:噪声系数的测量方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of electronic tubes and valves - Part 4: Methods of measuring noise factor
IEC 60151-4:1963 pdf download,Measurements of the electrical properties of electronic tubes and valves - Part 4: Methods of measuring noise factor
电子管和阀门电气特性的测量 - 第4部分:噪声系数的测量方法
This document is based on current practice on the measurement of noise factor.It should not be regarded as a recommendation in the sense of a standard because a more detailed description of the measuring methods is needed if measuring results on the basis of these principles have to be comparablewithin definite tolerances.