ISO 1467:2024 pdf download - General purpose push-pull single-pole circuit-breakers for aircraft Performance requirements. 飞机用通用推挽式单极断路器 - 性能要求 ISO...
ISO 5305:2024 pdf download,Noise measurements for UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) . 无人机系统的噪音测量 This document specifies the noise measurement methods for multirot...
AS/NZS 4056.5:1992 pdf download - Pliers and nippers - Engineers and linemans pliers - Dimensions and test values. 钳子和钳子 - 工程师用和钳工用钳子 - 尺寸和试验值...
AS/NZS 4056.1:1992 pdf download,Pliers and nippers, Part 1: Nomenclature. 钳子和小钳子,第1部分:术语 This International Standard givesnomenclature of pliers and nippers ...
AS/NZS 4056.2:1992 pdf download,Pliers and Nippers Part 2: General Technical Requirements. 钳子和短钳 - 第2部分:一般技术要求 AS/NZS 4056.2:1992 specifies the general t...
AS/NZS 3152:1992 pdf download,Approval and test specification - Decorative lighting outfits. 批准和试验规范 - 装饰照明设备 AS/NZS 3152:1992 specifies essential safety r...
AS/NZS 1052:1992 pdf download - CISPR Specification For Radio Interference Measuring Apparatus And Measurement Methods. 无线电干扰测量设备和测量方法规范 This publica...
AS/NZS 1338.3:1992 pdf download,Filters for eye protectors - Part 3: Filters for protection against infra-red radiation. 护眼滤镜 - 第3部分:防红外辐射滤镜. This Standa...
AS/NZS 1337:1992 pdf download,Eye Protectors For Industrial Applications,工业用护眼器. AS/NZS 1337:1992 specifies minimum requirements for eye protectors and associated lenses...
AS/NZS 1338.2:1992 pdf download,Filters for eye protectors - Part 2: Filters for protection against ultraviolet radiation 护眼滤器 - 第2部分:防紫外线滤器 AS/NZS 1338.2:...